TOKYO 2020

Karate Tokyo 2020 logo
Your understanding and cooperation towards the protection of all Olympic and Paralympic-related intellectual properties and the prevention of ambush marketing activities are highly appreciated.

Per quanto riguarda l'uso del logo "Karate Tokyo 2020", è stato fatto un comunicato da parte del Comitato di Tokyo organizzatore dei Giochi olimpici (TOCOG) in merito all'autorizzazione ad utilizzare la dicitura "TOKYO 2020", per i seguenti motivi:
"Tokyo 2020", è un marchio registrato a livello nazionale / internazionale ed è una proprietà intellettuale appartenente a TOCOG.
• TOCOG non accetta l'uso del logo 2020 KARATE TOKYO quando può causare pubblicità ingannevole.
• TOCOG richiede alla WKF di non utilizzare alcun logo che comprenda "TOKYO 2020",.
• TOCOG chiede inoltre alla JKF / WKF di rimuovere tutti i marchi tra cui "TOKYO 2020",.
Pertanto, chiediamo la collaborazione per rimuovere il logo "Karate di Tokyo 2020", dai dispositivi digitali e oggetti materiali utilizzati dalle varie Federazioni.
Ringraziandovi anticipatamente per la collaborazione,
Francisco Alegrete
WKF General Manager
cid: 45D3D3C0-EDBB-4BCE-89C5-0DC1457D6737
C / Boix y Morer, 15 Bº B
28003 Madrid, Spagna
Tel .: (+34) 91 535-9632
Fax .: (+34) 91 535-9633
Your understanding and cooperation towards the protection of all Olympic and Paralympic-related intellectual properties and the prevention of ambush marketing activities are highly appreciated.
En cuanto a la utilización del logotipo “Karate Tokio 2020”, no estamos autorizados a utilizar la expresión “TOKIO 2020” , por las siguientes razones:
“TOKIO 2020” es una marca registrada a nivel nacional / internacional y es una propiedad intelectual que pertenece a TOCOG ( Comisión de Tokio Organizador de los Juegos Olímpicos )
• TOCOG no acepta el uso del logotipo KARATE TOKIO 2020, ya que puede causar un engaño a la comercialización.
• TOCOG solicita la WKF a abstenerse de utilizar cualquier logotipo que incluye “TOKIO 2020”.
• TOCOG también solicita JKF / WKF para eliminar todos los logotipos incluidos “TOKIO 2020”.
Por lo tanto, le pedimos su cooperación y para quitar el logotipo de “Karate Tokio 2020” de los dispositivos digitales y elementos materiales utilizados por su Federación.
Agradeciendo de antemano su colaboración,
Karate Tokyo 2020 logo

Your understanding and cooperation towards the protection of all Olympic and Paralympic-related intellectual properties and the prevention of ambush marketing activities are highly appreciated.
Dear All,
Concerning the use of the “Karate Tokyo 2020” logo, which we have been using since August 4th, we have received instructions from the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (TOCOG) that we are not authorized to use the wording “TOKYO 2020”, for the following reasons:
“TOKYO 2020” is a registered trademark domestically/internationally and is an intellectual property belonging to TOCOG.
• TOCOG does not accept the use of the KARATE TOKYO 2020 logo as it may cause ambush-marketing.
• TOCOG requests WKF to refrain from using any logo which includes “TOKYO 2020”.
• TOCOG also requests JKF/WKF to remove all the logos including “TOKYO 2020”.
Therefore, we ask for your cooperation and to remove the “Karate Tokyo 2020” logo of the digital devices and material items used by your Federation.
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation,
Francisco Alegrete
WKF General Manager
C/ Boix y Morer, 15 Bº B
28003 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: (+34) 91 535-9632
Fax.: (+34) 91 535-9633